Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Blogs & Me.....hmmm ?

You know, ever since I read my cousin's blog, one that goes by the name of "Madness Continues", I have wanted to start writing my own. The funny part about this is that, I first read his blog way back in Jan, at least, I think it was Jan. Anyways, that is not the point that I am trying to communicate over here. The point is, I seem to have taken a lot of time to put into effect my decision of starting to write a blog of my own. Time that could have been put to much better use, and for the benefit of so many, rather than spent on tinkering with this Idea in my brain, which has got quite enough thoughts and crackpot ideas roaming free without any rein or control, and succesfully diverting a lot of my reasoning skills to analyse all of those idotic thoughts, and finally culminate in thinking up the most idiotic of plans to put my thoughts in action, or just chuck them vainly into a part of my mind where they will stay hidden, and possibly forgotten as the wheels of time continue to turn. Confused? So am I. I really have no clue at all on what I just wrote. God only knows, whether that huge sentence was correct uasage of the language called English.

Anyways, getting back to what I am writing about, I have decided to start a blog; one that will record all my thoughts and feelings, well, at least most of them; I really cant afford to let every Son of Adam and Daughter of Eve to know all the things that run around in my head. So in these pages will run my most Incoherent Ramblings. I invite you, the surfers of the net, to read through my ramblings, to try and understand them, and voice your opinions. And so, without further ado, I will end my current process of thoughts, and proceed onto the next Ramblings ASAP. Ciao......